September 22d, 2018
総研ビル 第16会議室
◎ Oral Class
compound nouns 複合語 (合成語)
wheel, high, arm ----chair high chair (子供用食事いす)
green, light, ware, town ----house town house (壁を隣家と共有する長屋)
gold, star, cat, shell ----fish shellfish ( 貝;甲殻類エビ、カニ等)
sky, day, flash, flood ----light skylight(天窓), floodlight(投光照明, 競技場、飛行場等の広域照明)
arrow, trail, skin, egg, air ----head arrowhead (矢じり), trailhead ( 道の始まり), egghead (知識人)airhead (愚か者, ピーマン)
trade, book, land, birth, post ----mark birthmark(あざ, ほくろ)postmark(消印)
bottle, turtle, rubber, red ----neck bottleneck ( 渋滞、工事等で狭くなっている道) rubberneck (もの珍しそうに見る人、観光客) redneck (南部の無学で貧しい白人農園労働者)
TEXT 15 Keys to Living a Long and Happy Life
Top 5 Places Where People Live the Longest
1. Okinawa, Japan
2. Sardinia, Italy
3. Loma Linda, California
4. Nicoya, Costa Rica
5. Ikaria, Greece
Relatively isolated and scattered around the globe, here’s where The Top 5 Zones have in common, according to the New York Times:
1. A cultural environment that reinforces healthy lifestyle habits like diet and exercise in the warm weather
2. Healthy social relationships and psychological well-being ( a cooperative spirit, Seniors are valued. )
10月20日 15号館13会議室
11月17日 11号館1140教室 その後フィリアで懇親会
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