26th, May 2018
総研ビル 第10会議室
A Shocking Accident
優等生の、まだ8歳を過ぎたばかりのJerome はある日、寮監に呼ばれ、父の死を知らされる。 “ A pig fell on him.”
Jerome said, " What happened to the pig ?”
This was not callousness on the part of Jerome.
Jerome was only attempting to visualize the strange scene to get the details right.
Nor was Jerome a boy who cried; he was a boy who brooded, and it never occurred to him at his preparatory school that the circumstances of his father’s death were comic---they were still part of the mystery of life.
It was later, in his first term at his public school, that he began to realize how it affected others.
Naturally, after that disclosure he was known, rather unreasonably, as Pig.
父の奇妙な死で苦しい思いをしたJerome は2つの方法を考え出す。
It seemed to Jerome that there were two possible methods---the first led gently up to the accident,so that by the time it was described the listener was so well prepared that the death came really as an anti-climax. The chief danger of laughter in such a story was always surprise. This was really a masterly attempt to make an intrinsically interesting subject boring. (周到に話を始めて聞き手の心に用意をさせ、死を竜頭蛇尾に終わらせる事で話をつまらないものにする。)
The other method Jerome rehearsed had the virtue of brevity.
“ My father was killed by a pig. “ ( 簡潔に話を終了する。)
さて、適齢期になったJerome は Sally との結婚を決めるが、
He felt uncertain whether this quiet love of his would survive if Sally were so insensitive as to laugh when she heard the story of his father’s death.
Jerome longed to leave the room and not see that loved face crinkle with irresistible amusement.
And at the end, " How horrible, " Sally said. “ It makes you think, doesn’t it? Happening like that. Out of a clear sky.”(そんな事が起きるなんて、青天の霹靂だわね。)
Jerome’s heart sang with joy. It was as though she had appeased his fear for ever.
“ A week today,” Jerome said, and she squeezed his hand. (あと1週間だね。)
“ Penny for your thoughts, my darling.” (まあ、いやねえ。)
“ I was wondering,” Sally said, “ what happened to the poor pig?”
“ They almost certainly had it for dinner,” Jerome said happily and kissed the dear child ( in her pale blue pupils ) again.
少年期から青年期まで父の死の出来事で痛みを抱えてきたJerome は 彼にそれを杞憂と感じさせ、また共通の思考の仕方を持つ良きpartner を得たことでこの物語は完結する。
“The Case For The Defence" は特にreferenceはありませんので、割愛します。
◎Oral Class
LOGO 掲載のプリントのexplanationとnegative space を想像力を使って、designerの意図を汲み取る発見の面白さを体感。
Fallingwater ( designed by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright )
Wrightの設計した建築物 Fallingwater を考察。
Wright saw an opportunity to not only work with nature, but to become part of it. The placement of the house worked both aesthetically and practically.
Fallingwater, completed in 1937,was the epitome of Wright’s philosophy of organic architecture: The harmony of human habitation and the natural world.
Japanese culture was a major influence on Wright’s concept of organic architecture---
Structures that belong to the environment they are in rather than stand out from it.
Wright was once a figure from the past. Now he was again the innovator. He created
Many notable works including the Guggenheim Museum in New York, a cylindrical building, wider at the top than the bottom, with a continuous spiral.
Wright (1867?1959)有機的建築を提唱。 1916年来日、帝国ホテルを設計。
6月23日(土)総研ビル8F 第10会議室
7月28日(土)総研ビル8F 第10会議室
講読クラスText Beauty The Basement Room
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