April 22, 2017
◎ 講読クラス (P.118~P.121)
Sarahの遺髪を盗んだSmythe とMauriceの話は続きます。
“You hadn’t any right.”
"Oh、she doesn’t belong to anybody now,” he said,
and suddenly I saw her for what she was---a piece of refuse waiting to be cleared away.
突如、MauriceはSarah (の遺体)は、即ち、人は誰のものでもないという事を悟ります。
refuse がらくた (P.118)
delude oneself into (愚行などを)させる、惑わせる (P.119)
We don't sleep together---not since the first year with you. (P.120)
since の前のnotは前文全体を指して繰り返しを避ける。
I couldn't marry you, I couldn't go on seeing you, not if I was going to be a Catholic. (P.120)if の前のnot も同上使用。
I believe there’s a God.
I’ve caught belief like a disease.
I’ve fallen into belief like I fell in love.
When you came in at the door with the blood on your face, I became sure.
Once and for all.(=definitely) 明確に。はっきりと。
I fought belief for longer than I fought love, but I haven’t any fight left.
精も根も尽き果てたSarah の手紙は続きます。
◎ Oral Class
Free Discussion
Q: Are you hungry?
A: The Opposite. (=I am full.)
A: On the contrary, I am full.
The scales fall from his eyes. (from the New Testament)
目からうろこの意味であるが、eye opener が新しい表現。
Are you pulling my leg? =Are you joking?
“Mid Life Crisis”について
50~70 代の人々に関連した表現か。若い頃と違って心身共に衰えを感じ始める年齢であるので、その危機について。しかしそれ故、意識して自分を変えていくという意見も出た。
Change one’s mind よりChange one’s way of thinking のほうが深い意味を持つ。
本文 (Americans’ Hearing Loss Decreases~ )
Hearing loss in this study meant that a person could not hear, in at least one ear,
a sound about as loud as rustling leaves.
Development of custom earpieces to protect ears from noise
The closing of noisy factories
Reduced use of medications like some antibiotics that can cause hearing loss
Immunizations (この文では予防接種) to prevent childhood illnesses like measles that can affect hearing
Better health in general in the population
5月20日 (土) 総研ビル9F第16会議室
6月17日 (土) 5号館 525教室
文責 畠 貴子